Please find below your monthly updates on our community’s financial and deliquencies status. This information was previously posted on Facebook but will now be shared via these web site postings.
This graphic shows how much we currently have in each of our four funds: Operating (main fund), Replacement (savings), Bridgewood Youth Soccer (separate account), and Imprest (office debit card).
This graphic reflects that 14.82% of homeowners are delinquent on their Assessments. While we would love for this to be lower, this is actually a good percentage. Unfortunately, (as with all Associations), this number will shoot up after the new year’s assessments are past due. You will see this reflected in February 2020’s update.
We are currently at 8.14% of all homeowners who have violations (DRVs). This is a great number as it means that more than 90% of homeowners do not have current violations, meaning that other than a few of our 2,334 houses, the community at large looks great.
If you have any questions, please just reply to this posting or email.